Q: Do I have to use the Point of Sale system, Quickpay/Propay, that comes with the mobile app?
A: No. However, you will not be able to use the invoicing system and it will cause you more steps to check out a client. If you decide not to use the Quickpay/Propay – then all you will need to do is close tickets to cash.
Q: Who or what is Propay?
A: Propay is a competitor of Square and a partner of Gina's Platform. Our point-of-sale system, Quickpay, is connected to Propay’s credit card processing system. For more information visit: What is ProPay?
Q: How much does Propay cost?
A: Propay’s processing fees is: 2.52% flat fee when the card is swiped. If the card is manually entered than the fee is 3.5%. There are no monthly or annual fees. Lifestyle Professionals using Propay will typically receive their funds the next business day IF the transaction takes places BEFORE 3pm MST. We are currently working on SAME DAY pay, which will be 3.5%.
Q: Do I have to pay the 2.52% fee Propay charges?
A: No. We offer you a feature called Cash Discount. This feature can be found in the menu under App Settings. Choosing the Offer Cash Discount option will automatically increase your service/product prices to cover the 2.52% processing fee By law in most states, the credit card price is what must be advertised. Choosing the Offer Cash Discount option allows you to offer a lower cash price and the app will adjust the price based on Cash, Credit, or Invoice payment.
Q: Can I start using Quickpay/Propay immediately?
A: Yes, you can, but manually entered credit cards have a processing fee of 3.5%. After you complete the initial signup with Propay, an email will be sent to you that will ask you what bank account you would like funds sent after processing.
Q: Is there a chip reader available?
A: Bluetooth chip readers areavailable for purchase for $75.00 with a fantastic rebate. Beginning with your first full month of usage, simply process $1,500 and receive a $10 per month rebate, up to 12 months. If you process $1,500 per month and receive your $10 rebate each month, not only will your Chip Reader pay for itself – and you will make a few extra dollars!
Q: Does Propay offer same day pay for credit card transactions?
A: Lifestyle Professionals using Propay will typically receive their funds the next business day IF the transaction takes places BEFORE 3pm MST. We are currently working on SAME DAY pay, which will be 3.5%.
Q: Are their limits to how much I can charge with Propay?
A: If you plan to make over $8,000 per month and expect to accept payments over $500 per transaction you will need to contact Propay to increase your limits. To request a limit increase please email limits@propay.com with the transaction and monthly limits your business requires.
Q: How do I sign up for Propay?
A: You must signup via the app. This is done during the setup process of the app. You can also find the Propay setup under Propay on the Menu in the app. For more information visit: How do I sign up for ProPay?
Q: Do I have to commit to using Propay? Is there a cancellation fee?
A: No, there is not.
Q: Can I load retail products into Quickpay?
A: Yes, you can. It also has an inventory management system.
Q: Can I merge and split checks on Quickpay?
A: Yes, you can when you are checking the person out.
Q: Is there a discount or coupon system on Quickpay?
A: Yes, there is and you can create discounts or coupons by going to the Menu, which is found by clicking on the icon at the top right-hand corner of your app under Specials/Coupons
Q: Can people leave a tip on an invoice sent via the mobile app?
A: Yes, they can.
Q: Is the credit card processing cost on invoices 3.5%?
A: Yes, because the card is being manually entered the cost is 3.5%.
Q: Where do my clients pay their invoice?
A: You can either send a link to the invoice out in an email, in-app text, or SMS text, which take the client to a private invoice page on the website that we provide to you.