After you sign up for your credit card processing account through your Gina's Platform app, please add your bank account so that your funds can be deposited into your account.

  • Click on your Profile Picture in your Gina's Platform App
  • Click on Credit Cards
  • Click on Bank Account and enter your information 
  • Click Save

Once you have added your banking account information to your Propay Account you will receive daily sweeps.  The daily sweeps occur at 4:30pm, any services after 4pm will be included in the next day’s sweep.  Sweeps are just like all electronic deposits and are not immediately posted in your bank account.  Once the funds leave Propay’s originating bank (Wells Fargo) it travels to the Clearing House and then on to your bank.  Once received at your bank the timing of the deposit being posted to the account is determined by that bank’s electronic deposit policies and procedures.  It is most common to see the deposit within 24 hours.  Also, keep in mind that most banks do not post deposits on weekends so you will likely see Friday-Sunday sweeps post on Monday.  All transactions and sweeps are visible to you in your app.  Click on Credit Card Processing and then click on Transactions.

If you experience any issues please contact us at for further assistance.